Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Some reflections on my coding style after 10 years of ICFP Programming Contests

The first ICFP Programming Contest that I participated in was the 2005 Cops & Robbers problem, organized by Robby Findler and the PLT group. I was just learning OCaml at the time and used it for my solution. Prior to OCaml, the only other functional languages I had used were Lisp and Scheme.

Although I used Haskell in 2015, I used OCaml for the 2014 contest, so I find it useful to compare my code between 2005 and 2014.

One of the things I notice in my code from that first contest is how much it reflects my background of stateful, imperative languages. For example, most of the data types I defined were full of records with mutable fields, like this:
type player_rec = {
  mutable player_name : string;
  mutable ptype : player_type;
  mutable ploc : int;

I didn't understand at the time that it is easy to copy records where you just modify the fields you want to change.

Another symptom of my stateful thinking is that I used refs and List.iter a lot when there were better ways to do it. For example, here's how I computed the distance to the nearest cop in the Cops & Robbers game:
let distance_from_nearest_cop loc =
  let distance = ref !max_distance in
  let get_cop_distance cop =
    let dist = ((cop_distance_selector cop) (!the_world.nodes.(cop.ploc))).(loc) in
      ((Printf.eprintf "Distance from cop %s is %d\n" cop.player_name dist);
      if dist < !distance then
    distance := dist)
    List.iter get_cop_distance (get_cops());

A better option here might be to define a function to return the minimum value in a list, and then map a get_distance function over all the cops. Something like this:
let minimum l = fold_left min (hd l) (tl l)

let distance_from_nearest_cop loc cops =
  minimum (map (get_distance loc) cops)

In 2014, the contest involved writing code to run on a virtual machine based on the SECD Machine. I wrote a compiler in OCaml to convert a simple form of Lisp to the instructions for the GCC (General Compute Coprocessor - the SECD-like machine). The compiler generates an abstract syntax tree (AST) and then generates code from the tree. Here is a snippet of the definitions for the AST:
type defs = def list
def =
    | Defun of string * (string list) * (statement list)
    | Defun_Tail of string * (string list) * (statement list)
    | Defconst of string * int
statement =
    | Let of (let_env list) * (statement list)
    | If of (statement * statement * statement)
    | Begin of statement list
    | Function_Call of string * (statement list)
    | Tail_Function_Call of string * (statement list)
    | Cons of statement * statement
    | Car of statement

When processing the AST, I need to keep track of a lot of state information for the code generator. This is the state type:
type state = {
   current_function_code : string list;
   environment_stack : string list list;
   function_list : (string*(string list)) list;
   next_temp_number : int;
   symbol_table : (string * symbol_table_entry) list;
   pc : int;
   is_tail_recursive : bool;
   top_level_env : string list

Notice that there aren't any mutable fields any more. Instead, I pass the state to various functions and they return a modified version of the state. For example, this function is how I add new instructions to the current function code I am generating:
let add_code_lines state code_lines =
    { state with current_function_code = (List.append state.current_function_code code_lines) }

And as an example, here is how I generate the instructions for a NOT operation:
let generate_not state =
    add_code_lines state [ "LDC 0"; "CEQ" ]

If you're curious, the "LDC 0" loads the constant 0 onto the data stack, and CEQ does an equality comparison.

Where this way of processing state looks a little ugly is when I chain a lot of operations together. For example:
generate_function state fn env_stack env statements return_type =
    let curr_code = state.current_function_code in
    let state = { state with current_function_code=[]; environment_stack=env::env_stack} in
    let state = add_code_line state (";FN="^fn) in
    let state = generate_statements state statements in
    let state = add_code_line state return_type in
    let state = { state with function_list = (fn, state.current_function_code)::state.function_list} in
    let state = add_symbol state fn (FunctionSymbol (-1)) in
    { state with current_function_code = curr_code; state.environment_stack }

A nicer way to string these calls together is to define the functions to take state as the final parameter. Here are some simple examples:
let fun1 tn state = { state with next_temp_number = tn }
let fun2 code state = {
  state with current_function_code = List.append state.current_function_code code }
let fun3 newpc istr state = {
  state with is_tail_recursive = istr; pc = newpc }

Then, you can use the pipe-forward or reverse-application operator (|>), which I like to call the "chicken operator", to chain the calls together, like this:
let process_something state =
  state |> fun1 4 |> fun2 ["LDC 0"; "CEQ"] |> fun3 123 false

Because state is the last parameter, I just omit it from the calls to the other functions and they are treated as partially applied functions where the |> operator will supply the final state parameter. This operator wasn't in OCaml in 2005, but I could have just defined something like it (I think).

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